
Executive Directors

Stephanie Cargill
Executive Director

Shelley Schweitzer
Executive Director Emerita

Executive Committee

Unleash power realize potential

Board of Directors

Women's Impact Logo

Directors Emereti

Laura Baloun*
Bridget Beddell
Karen Brenneman*
Dawn Campanelli
Stephanie Cargill
Kathy Catazaro-Perry
Jolene Colant*
Janet Weir Creighton*
Becky Crowl*
Lynne Dragomier*
Betsy Engels*
Amanda Espenschied-Reilly
Amanda Espenshied-Reilly
Barbara Frustaci
Holly Gerzina

Barb Frustaci
Holly Gerzina
Sue Grabowski
Merle Griff*
Kari Groh*  
Elizabeth Ibrahim
Judith Lancaster*
Pam Lung
Paula Mastroianni*
Barb Mucci
Melissa Patterson
Gloria Pope
Norma Rist*
Tena Wilson
Barb Yingling

* = Founding Board Member
= Past Chair
= Deceased
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